
Remak™ AQ1000H

Remak™ AQ1000H

Remak™ AQ1000H is one of new products in the series of AQ intelligent Modularity Easeapps. Its dual action sides that absorb and diffuse sound, it can be easily moved around to fit the specific sound needs of any open air or indoor venue. Portable and convenient, it’s perfect for use on churches, concerts, music halls, and rehearsal spaces!


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Products in the series AQ intelligent Modularity Easeapps are designed based on the needs of proffesional Audiophile artists, who want to set up their sound system himseft. The AQ1000S is easy to install, so with some simple tools, you can finish it within 15 minutes.

A patented metal frame that is anti sound reflection & resonance and anti oxidation treated;

Side A performs excellently in absorbing sound in all frequency.

Side B–The MLS diffusing cloud is made by HIPS forming process



Bộ sản phẩm AQ1000H gồm 2 sản phẩm, 1 loại có chân đế đứng và 1 loại có khoan lỗ trên khung kim loại để treo trần. Ứng dụng sản phẩm vô cùng linh hoạt và hiệu quả.

AQ1000H is flexibly designed, you can choose a hanging acoustic absorbing shell  to mount on the ceiling or a semi-enveloped acoustic absorbing shell for portable stage.


Remak™ AQ1000HD Movable acoustic baffle control long reverberation time, fluttering echo, parallel sound reflection and standing wave in medium frequency. It is popularly used for churches, halls, multi-functional rooms, and studio. Meanwhile, it’s a quick outdoor acoustic shell solution.






Remak™ AD1000H: 2100 x 800 x 200mm, weight 28kg

Remak™ AD1000HD: 2000 x 800 x 100mm, weight 15kg



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