
Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3

Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3

Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3 is used for maximum noise absorption. It helps to flutter echoes and reduce excess reflections and reverberation, as well as improves vocal clarity and acoustics of your room, with fire retardant feature.



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Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3 0
Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3 1
Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3 2
Basstrap StudioFoam Metro-3 3


- High Quality foam bass traps will help eliminate reverb and unwanted sound in any studio
- Professional design, aimed to target the low/mid frequencies
- Helps Eliminate reverb and echoes of bass sounds


Applications: Auditoriums, Broadcast Studios , Computer Rooms , Equipment Enclosures , Equipment Rooms , Gymnasiums , Gun Ranges, Home Recording, Studios, Home Theaters , Industrial Facilities , Professional Theaters , Professional, Recording Studios , Warehousing


Get to Know Acoustic Foam

This open-celled foam is used to treat acoustic problems that go along with different levels of frequencies. The foam increases air resistance which results in reduced wave amplitude.


Many of the foam products are treated with fire retardants and dyes, and the foam itself may be of various thickness.


Foam bass traps belong to the group of porous absorbers. They absorb the velocity of sound waves, and using friction, they turn the waves into heat.


Foam bass traps do pretty well in reducing the echo because they are primarily meant for dealing with mid and high frequencies. Bass frequencies, the ones lower than 100Hz are much harder to absorb.


Low-frequency sounds travel much longer distances than higher, which is why they are rather difficult to absorb. Foam simply doesn’t have the mass needed for this.


More: Acoustic StudioFoam Metro-4, StudioFoam Metro-5


Pros and Cons of Foam Bass Traps

As we mentioned, foam is not a typical soundproofing material, it more of a sound absorbing one.

Having in mind what the foam is made of, and what’s “the field of expertise”, I shall list some pros and cons.

They are both related to everyday sounds such as the noise coming from the TV, a barking dog, street noise, and sound in some particular places such as churches, halls, warehouses, and similar.

Speaking of pros, one of the most important is enhanced sound quality. This particularly goes for mid and high-frequency sounds, and that’s what makes this absorber a cost-friendly one.

The energy from sound waves is dissipated as heat, which is another good side of the acoustic foam. We could say it has a multifunctional purpose.


Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) by Frequency
Freq.125 Hz250 Hz500 Hz1 KHz2 KHz4 KHOverall


More: Acoustic Egg crate foam


For more information, please contact

Hotline: 0902.441.981

Office: Lot10, Lai Yen Industrial Zone, An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi

Email: [email protected]

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