Hi-end Acoustic Panel

Remak™ AQ1000H

Remak™ AQ1000H

Remak™ AQ1000H is perfect solution for use on concerts, music halls, and rehearsal spaces!
Remak™ AQ1000V Smart Booth Recording Room

Remak™ AQ1000V Smart Booth Recording Room

Remak™ AQ1000V Smart Booth Recording Room is a model of AQ intelligent Modularity Easeapps.
Remak™ AQ1000S

Remak™ AQ1000S

Remak™ AQ1000S is one of new products in the series of AQ intelligent Modularity Easeapps. With the acoustic baffle, you can take the edge off the noise in your room with this dual purpose sound absorption and diffusion combo.
Remak™ AQ1000M

Remak™ AQ1000M

Remak™ AQ1000M are smart diffusion and absorption panels, one of modern products in the AQ intelligent Modularity.
Remak™ D60 Diffuser

Remak™ D60 Diffuser

Remak™ Wooden Acoustic D60 Diffuser is là một sản phẩm trong bộ sản phẩm tán âm 2 chiều độc đáo, được thiết kế chuyên dụng dành cho phòng nghe nhạc Hi-end.
Remak™ D60W Trapfuser

Remak™ D60W Trapfuser

Remak™ D60W Trapfuser is a unique product in the series of QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
Remak™ D80W Diffuser

Remak™ D80W Diffuser

Remak™ D80W Diffuser is an effective sound solution, made as a combination of low-frequency absorption and diffusion technologies. It is a unique product in the series of Remak\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
Remak™ D80 Diffuser

Remak™ D80 Diffuser

Remak™ D80 Diffuser is a unique product in the series of QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
Remak™ D30 Diffuser

Remak™ D30 Diffuser

Remak™ D30 Diffuser is a unique product in the series of QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
Remak™ D64 Diffuser

Remak™ D64 Diffuser

Remak™ D64 Diffuser brings a spacious-sounding feel that mimics large halls and spaces. This product is in the series QRD Diffuser, made from solid wood and has a grooved width and depth that deflect sound reflections uniformly, frequently used for family cinema , hi-end Ausdo listening rooms.
Remak™ N8 Octofuser

Remak™ N8 Octofuser

Remak™ N8 Octofuser is a unique product in the series QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
Remak™ N29 Diffuser

Remak™ N29 Diffuser

Remak™ N29 Diffuser is a unique product in the series of QRD diffuser, especially designed for Hi-end Audio Listening Rooms and private theaters, etc.
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