
Flat Acoustic Foam

Flat Acoustic Foam

Flat acoustic foam is one kind of sculpted acoustic foam with its thermal and sound insulation features, like other sculpted acoustic ones. But the flat acoustic foam is often combined with some different material such as: memory foam, rockwool, PE foam, etc ...  in order to create a more effective sound absorption structure.

Please review below for more information and specifications of the product.


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Flat Acoustic Foam 0
Flat Acoustic Foam 1
Flat Acoustic Foam 2
Flat Acoustic Foam 3
Flat Acoustic Foam 4


Our Remak Flat Foam provides acoustic absorption for applications seeking a flat, smooth appearance with no pattern. Remak Flat Foam is available in in a range of sizes and thicknesses. Consisting of a lightweight, acoustical foam core, these panels are for use in just about any direct mount wall or ceiling applications. Flat acoustic foam is a great choice for projects that require form fitting absorption. Its melamine acoustic foam core trims easily using a smooth blade utility knife and installs with a foam construction adhesive.

+ Reduces echo and reverberation
+ Easy to cut and install
+ Exceptional acoustical performance
+ Design friendly smooth appearance
+ Fiber-free, Mold-resistant, fire-retardan
+ Cheap

Technical information:

+ Material: Open-cell melamine-based foam
+ Intended Use: Interior, sound absorption
+ Finish: Natural Grey and Natural White
+ Size and dimension: 1500×1900 mm 
+ Thickness: 20/30/50 mm
+ Service Temperature: -40 ~ 177 °C (-40 deg. F to 350 deg. F)
+ Fire Rating: Class 1 or A per ASTM E84
+ NRC: 0.65 – 1.05


More: Làm tấm tiêu âm với mút phẳng


+ Industrial & OEM
+ Automotive & Aerospace
+ HVAC ducting applications
+ Offices, fitness, lobbies & more
+ Great for direct to roof deck application
+ Great for use as HVAC duct liner to reduce noise

Installation method:
+ These panels can easily mount to any wall or ceiling surface with water-based construction adhesive
+ For best results, install this product at the end of your construction project and combine with rubberrockwoolPE foam. 
+ Use clean gloves to prevent soiling material.
+ Melamine foam is fragile, please handle with care.
+ Do not install material of unacceptable quality.
+ Maintain uniform temperature of prior to, during and after installation.


More: Remak  Sonic Acoustic Panel, Wood Wool Acoustic panelWooden Acoustic Panel


For more information, please contact Remak

Tel: 04.22427731

Hotline: 0903.441.981  _ 096.801.8216 _ 090.260.1886 _ 0936.106.338 

Office: 26 Tran Huu Duc street, Nam Tu Liem District, Ha Noi

Email: [email protected]



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